1. Issues
Slow startup
Memory consumption(COW?)
2. Multitenancy allow to host multiple apps in one JVM With respect to
Density(Less memory cosumption)
3. Possible solution - Multitenant JVM.
Isolation due to isolated classloaders
Density due to shared JITed code, shared static final vars, permgen
Faster startup - hot cache and jit, already loaded .so
4, NO changes required
just: java -Xmt -jar one.jar
Yep, on first run JVM is started as daemon, next runs will use running daemon
5. Resource limits
-Xlimit:cpu=10-30 (10 percent minimum CPU, 30 percent maximum)
-Xlimit:cpu=30 (30 percent maximum CPU)
-Xlimit:netIO=20M (maximum bandwidth of 20 Mbps)
-Xms8m-Xmx64m (initial 8 MB heap, 64 MB maximum)
6. Benefits w/ numbers
2 x higher number of tenants that classic JVM(jetty usecase)
up to 6x lower startup time(jetty usecase)
7. Issues
No, Native libraries(JNI/JNA) are NOT isolated - including SWT
Instrumentation calls(JVMTI - aka java debugger) - are not isolated
8. See
Slideshare: http://tinyurl.com/jvm-multitenancy
This slides: http://altio.us/jvm-multitenancy
9. Recap
JVM Multitenancy allow to host multiple apps in one physical JVM
- Faster startup
- Less memory footprint
- Enabled simply, just add -Xmt
Will be available in Java8, yes, for free & no strings attached